Not saying goodbye, but thank you!
On Wednesday, several staff and board members were invited to Madison’s Cafe to say “thank you” to Amy Buie. Amy is the Founder of the Center for Autism Education and outgoing Executive Director. Because of her vision over 13 years ago, CAE was started as a place to provide students diagnosed with autism and other challenging behaviors a place to go, but has grown to so much more.
We started in a strip mall off of Mexico Road serving just 8 students, but now support 40 students from 11 different school districts, an Adult Day Service provider, a Preschool provider, and in-home service provider. Each month our staff directly support and serve over 125 families throughout our region, making a difference every step of the way.
Amy’s everyday presence will be missed, but she will still remain involved in the organization through board service and supporting our new Executive Director, Angie New.
On behalf of the entire staff, families we serve, and community we all would like to say thank you, Amy! Thank you for the vision, thank you for the opportunities you have given all of us, and thank you for all you have done. Good luck with your new journey at Learning Momentum!